I wholeheartedly agree with the thesis of this if only because my ex (affectionate) loved the John Wick movies and we watched them on several of our early dates. He had a framed picture of Keanu Reeves in his apartment (green flag), and when I asked him why, he said “he’s just a really good guy.” Anyway those movies are Romance, that’s facts.
1. I love "ex (affectionate)" as a phrase 2. I clearly strongly empathize with anyone's whose love manifests in "printing a picture out and putting it up in my home." see: shower curtain.
loved this btw even though I am much cooler on the film than you. it's a great read of Wick as archetype!!!
I wholeheartedly agree with the thesis of this if only because my ex (affectionate) loved the John Wick movies and we watched them on several of our early dates. He had a framed picture of Keanu Reeves in his apartment (green flag), and when I asked him why, he said “he’s just a really good guy.” Anyway those movies are Romance, that’s facts.
1. I love "ex (affectionate)" as a phrase 2. I clearly strongly empathize with anyone's whose love manifests in "printing a picture out and putting it up in my home." see: shower curtain.
Your shower curtain is a work of art, truly an inspired piece of home decor!
Obsessed with this